Iron wand with Rainbow Moonstone - Vine Twist

$109.00 $81.75
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Hand forged unique twisted heirloom iron wand set with a crystal forged by our resident pagan blacksmith and ceremonial magician for traditional witchcraft, wicca and ceremonial magick. Iron is sacred to Mars and the element of Fire, for rituals of will.
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These highly sought after wands are one of Paul’s best loved creations. Even other blacksmiths ask him how he sets a crystal in 1800 degree iron with hammers without the crystal exploding from the heat or hammer blows.  

The vine twist is a lot more work than a regular twist... Hence why these are priced a little higher.

Iron is sacred to Mars and the element of fire, therefore perfect for a weapon of manifestation and will such as the wand! The crystal also lends its power to the Spell!

This wand is approximately 12.5 inches in length.

The twists in the wand show the movement of energy. and that magick is always turning about the dark and light side of dualities. The contrast between the shiny polished areas and dark interior of the twists also talk to the ying and yang of the light and dark, the double sided coin that is energy.

Unique hand forged iron heirloom wand by our pagan blacksmith. Paul is a practitioner of traditional witchcraft and ceremonial magick.

The Tubal Cain mythos also has iron as a tool of our will and apostasy, Yahweh after the expulsion from Eden told Adam and Eve they would have to scrabble among the thorns for their food... But Tubal Cain, 7th son of Cain had other ideas and discovered the working of iron and became the first blacksmith. To the Tubal Cain currents of witchcraft iron is therefore a tool of our will.

In Traditional English cottage witchcraft the Fae Folk are scared of iron and therefore iron tools can be used to protect against or control the Fae.

Each of Paul's wands are unique. There is no plan beforehand, the wand is allowed to manifest as it wills, Paul just helps it along.