Small Egyptian Bastet (1144)

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Cold Cast Bronze || 5.5"H - Bastet (or Bast) was one of the most popular goddesses of ancient Egypt, generally thought of as a cat goddess.
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Cold Cast Bronze


Bastet (or Bast) was one of the most popular goddesses of ancient Egypt, generally thought of as a cat goddess although she originally had the head of a lion or desert sand cat. She is often shown holding the Ankh or the papyrus wand, which represents the breath of life and lower Egypt, occasionally she will carry a Was scepter which symbolizes strength and is often accompanied by a litter of kittens. Cats are the sacred animal to Bastet; the ancient Egyptians placed great value on cats due to the protection they provided against vermin. The cats in Bastet’s temple were even mummified after death and presented to the goddess as an offering.